Gospel beyond the Bars

“Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me.” (Matthew 24:40)… this is a story ministering to the points of basic human needs. In our quest to contribute towards the All Saints’ Cathedral vision, “Being a Christ-centered Cathedral, impacting generations” CET (Cathedral Evangelical Team) fellowshipped with women at the Langata Women Maximum Prison. Ordinarily, those behind bars are those whose freedom is withdrawn from them by confinement. Inmates are convicted in this prison due to various offences, ranging from capital offences to petty, which speaks into their imprisonment term, providing time for them to reform and change their ways.

This is confirmed by the very comprehensive security protocols placed by the Langata women’s maximum prison, leaving nothing to chance. A weak soul would shy away from interacting with them, save for the close families and friends who occasionally come to check in on them, providing a few basic needs and bringing them up to speed with the ongoings beyond their walls. However, the CET approached them with the Gospel of freedom, hope and love.

CET ministered to over a hundred women in the Remand sections, and over six hundred and fifty women inmates at the main prison. Several inmates resolved to consider their ways choosing to forgive their families; friends and people they believed had a hand in their situations. This provided a great step towards healing, which is an important ingredient for living both in the prison and with other inmates as well as preparing them for reintegration upon finishing their jail terms.

Forgiveness would help them appreciate the work of God in every situation and begin living differently in a way that pleases Jehovah. It’s incredible to go in and serve and see people so hungry for God and desperate for a new life that the Holy Spirit comes in and makes Himself so present. The Cathedral has been on this journey for a long time and is committed to continue ministering in prisons, in a bid to make Christ known.

By: Geoffrey Oduor

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