Name: Rev Leah Wanjiku Gatuma
Designation: Children’s Minister & Coordinates Counselling Ministry
Education: I graduated with a licentiate in Theology (ministry and Development) in November 2002 from Evangelical Seminary of Southern Africa (ESSA). I am a holder of Bachelor of Theology Honours (Theology and Development) from University of KwaZulu- Natal South Africa and Masters in Theology (Counselling option) from St Paul’s University Limuru. I am currently pursuing my PhD in Marriage and family therapy at Pan Africa Christian University.
Ministry: I have served in the children ministry for over 10 years in the Anglican Church as well as at New Dawn Kenya (running a children Mentorship program). I am passionate about children and I believe in serving children with excellence for indeed Matt 19:14 says “let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” we can learn a lot from them especially on how to be authentic Christians.
Family: I am married to Rev. Johnson Gatuma and we are blessed with two young adults Immanuel and Samuel.
Favourite Bible verse: 1Cor 2:10 “these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.