Leading Children In The Knowledge Of Christ The Children and Teens Center (CTC)

The Children and Teens Centre (CTC) is designed to meet the growing needs of the children and teenagers at All Saints’ Cathedral. The CTC Vision has continued to expand from time to time, focusing on the needs of the Cathedral children to include the children in Kenya and the world, hence the #ABillionChildren4Christ. The Cathedral has embraced the larger vision of coming up with a center that will enhance the programs, which will not only influence our children and teens but the greater society.

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.

Our Vision

Children who know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour growing up and serving God.

Our Mision

Saviour and to teach them to use the Word of God as the basis for their decision-making in life.
The CTC seeks:

Our Thematic Focus CTC Programs

The programs being developed are around 4 main thematic areas highlighted below:

Services and Outreach

Discipleship, mentoring, & Counselling

Training, leadership, equipping and Resourcing

Media and creative’s

CTC Events

Fundraising initiatives:

CTC Gift

CTC Family Golf Tournaments

Mountain Climbing


There are no upcoming events at this time

“Pray! And listen to God! You can do this alone, but find somebody to do it with you”

Our Partners